Member-only story
The Green Party of Michigan 2022 Nominating Convention
The Green Party of Michigan is having its State-wide Nominating Convention on April 23–24th on Zoom. The Convention will be on Zoom and pre-registration is required. This Zoom registration will be posted next week.
The Green Party is the only non-war party. We are often only associated with environmental issues,(such as the ban on fracking or stopping the climate crisis), we are so much more!
The Green Party of Michigan and of the U.S. believe in running candidates that oppose war for Empire building and taking other countries' natural resources.
We oppose the Occupation of Palestine and support the Palestinians' right of return. We believe in the right of self-determination for all human beings on the planet.
We believe in people and planet before profit. Money is not taken from corporations and our vote is not owned by the oligarchy. Our candidates vote for what is good for the people and the planet, not the 1% or corporations.
The time for change is today. Please check out the Green Party of the United States and the state party in your state.
If you are interested in learning more about the Green Party leave a comment below.
My name is Robin Lea Laurain and I am the Co-Chair of the Michigan Green Party. I am also the Co-Chair of the Green Party of the United States Outreach Committee. I am reaching out to you now.
Please consider voting Green in the next election.